Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day 2024

The Doylestown Memorial Day Parade is conducted annually for the sole purpose of honoring those American Veterans whose sacrifices in defense of our nation and its democratic ideals are responsible for the freedoms we enjoy today. Having celebrated its 156th anniversary in 2024, it is the oldest Memorial Day Parade in the United States. Last year, approximately 1,700 people participated in the parade, representing over 100 separate units, including eight local school bands, with an estimated 15,000 spectators looking on.

As always, Doylestown Lodge No. 245 (celebrating its 175th anniversary next year) marched to represent the fraternity while also hosting its annual pancake breakfast. This year’s crew was ready to march then celebrate with some delicious pancakes and sausage afterwards. Orange juice was also available. It was hot as always, but the team pulled it off with grace. WM Nair barely broke a sweat.

Meanwhile, back at the lodge – things were in full swing for another busy morning. Bro Borowski PM did a great job organizing the event, as well as coordinating the several volunteers that helped prep, cook, serve and clean to make the day a success. Thank you to everyone for their support.

Finally, Bro Sink PM made his bi-annual visit to conclude the parade and begin the deep clean he is famous for. All in all it was another successful event. But will next year also live up to the hype of our signature event… all signs point to yes!