Lodge Update

Lodge Update

On Friday, October 9th, we will also be hosting our first-stated meeting since the Coronavirus pandemic restrictions began. While we’re all very much looking forward to getting back into the lodge and returning to a sense of masonic normalcy, the safety of our members remains our top priority, and we are striving to conduct each meeting in the safest manner possible. To that effect, we have set up our lodge to ensure social distancing measures are observed and have protocol in place to ensure proper sanitization resources are available and utilized. Additionally, each meeting is limited to 25 attendees, with RSVPs required for those interested attending.

Other than those in officer positions, and a couple mandatory attendees, all those who RSVP will be randomly chosen and notified in advance of whether or not they’ve been counted toward our 25 person limit. Those who RSVP, but receive notice that the 25 seats have already been filled, will be placed on a waitlist in order of RSVP received, and contacted if any available spots become available. Additionally, those who RSVP, and are not provided a seat at the October stated will be given precedence for the November stated meeting. Unfortunately, we must maintain a list and cannot accept our usual walk-ins, unless the 25 attendee limit has not been met.

Despite the limitations caused by our recent pandemic, I believe we’ll have a nice and safe evening in store. If you wish to attend, please RSVP by sending an email to [email protected], or contact me at 717.404.1320 by Wednesday, October 7th.