
How to Join Doylestown Lodge

To become a Freemason and join the lodge, simply ask: [email protected]

Key Stats

Since 1850, Doylestown Lodge has been focused on fraternity, charity, and education. Lodge members and their families meet in and out of the lodge throughout the year. We also focus on educational programs, which are provided at our monthly meetings, to continually expand our knowledge of local, regional, and global topics. An abridged history of the lodge can be found here: https://www.doylestownmasons.org/an-abridged-history-of-doylestown-lodge/

  • 400+ current members
  • Constituted in the year 1850
  • The Lodge contributes $10,000 annually to charity
  • Meets the 2nd Friday of the month at 7:00 pm, with dinner at 6:00 pm (except July and August)
Our Charities

We provide support to Freemasons, their families, and the wider community through charitable contributions and manpower.

  • Shriners Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Travis Manion Foundation
  • Allentown Dyslexia Center
  • Delaware Valley University
Contact Us

Doylestown Lodge No. 245 F.&A.M.
55 East State Street Doylestown, PA 18901
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Public Page: www.facebook.com/Doylestown-Lodge-245-FAM-113882162023267/
Facebook Private Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/887668182199913/

Elected Officers

The Past Masters

Rusty Mason Night

Doylestown Lodge No. 245 F.&A.M. invites all brethren to join us for our upcoming Lodge Education Night, also known as “Rusty Mason Night.” This is an excellent opportunity for all Brothers, whether seasoned or newly raised, to refresh their knowledge of Masonic ritual, deepen their understanding of Masonic teachings, and enjoy an evening of fellowship in an informal setting.

Date: Monday March 31st, 2025
Dinner: 6:30 PM | Presentation: 7:00 PM
Location: Doylestown Lodge No. 245

Food and refreshments will be provided. To ensure we order accordingly, please RSVP using the link below:

Rusty Mason’s Night Sign Up Form

This informal educational gathering will provide an opportunity to ask questions, discuss Masonic topics, and reinforce our commitment to the Craft. Whether you are regularly attending Lodge or haven’t been in some time, this night is for you!

March Stated Meeting

March’s program for the evening was “Boaz & Jachin and the Hermetic Principle of Polarity”, Presented by: Anthony J. Dintino III, P.M.

2025 Scholarships Now Available

The Doylestown Masonic Lodge annually awards scholarships of $500 to graduating high school seniors from local schools who have been involved in community activities including volunteer service and have demonstrated a dedication to their high school academic experience. Please find application below available for download.

Please note: Applications will be accepted by e-mail only and must be received by April 25, 2025.

Read more“2025 Scholarships Now Available”

Open House

The lodge hosted another open concert this weekend, this time featuring the talents of Bokyung Byun (South Korea) 2021 Guitar Foundation of America First Prize Winner.

The WM welcomed the audience with an overview of the history of the lodge and thanked them for their contributions to the lodge building fund.

Bokung then performed a number of beautiful pieces which she is known for.

February Recap

Well if there was any proof that we’ve turned the corner on the low point that was 2023, this is it! The Eagles are two-time Superbowl Champions!! A massive victory parade was held on Valentine’s Day, oh and so was lodge.

The WM wisely made quick work of the Stated Meeting. The new rental rates were positively received by the always rationally-minded and fiscally-responsible Brethren, especially in light of the acquisition of the much desired round tables for the Fellowship Hall (great call there Bro. Bunch PM). The WM also expressed deep gratitude to the members of University Lodge No. 51 for their generous contribution to the Lodge Building Fund. We hope the much needed support from the appendants as well as the unprecedented charity of University will help breathe new life into the year old building in advance of the 175th Anniversary. And finally, a big shout out to Bro Jeremiah and the assistant steward for treating the lodge to another home-cooked dinner on an otherwise busy day.

February also welcomed the son of Bro. Nair PM into the lodge as an EA. We look forward to the Lewis Jewel ceremony.

On tap for March: the Stated, Degrees, and a Past Master Dinner!


January Stated 2025 Recap

One doesn’t need a trestle to know they’ll enjoy lodge this year. From an Altomontes dinner, to a rousing rendition of happy birthday, capped off with an evening at Hopscotch – the WM is leaving no tradition unturned. Refunds for the unrealized Tileworks event were not discussed, however, plans for the 175th Anniversary events this year were! (more details to be announced shortly on the 2 events being planned). To that point, the new Maters Medal for the anniversary year was also unveiled with great aplomb. Also on the evening’s agenda: R.W. Michael Czech, Past Grand Historian of The Grand Lodge of New Jersey (pictured below with the WM) provided an excellent program on the Fellowcraft Degree, and we reviewed plans to welcome Bro. Sellani to his new role as DDGM, as well as welcome the incoming RWGM at the 33rd Annual Shriners Breakfast on the 18th.

The Final Masters Medal: the 175th

The 175th Master’s Medal is the final piece in the 10-year series leading up to the celebration of our lodge’s 175th anniversary. Each element of the medal is thoughtfully chosen to embody the timeless teachings of Freemasonry and the high ideals every Master Mason should strive to uphold.

At the heart of the design are the Working Tools of a Master Mason:

  • The 24-Inch Gauge: The twenty-four inch gauge is emblematic of the twenty-four hours of a complete day and night. It is a symbol to teach us the value of time well spent, and a reminder that a Mason should learn to systematize his time in this God-given life on earth.
  • The Gavel: The common gavel is used to shape rough stones for the builder’s use; a symbol to remind us, as Masons, to better prepare ourselves for “…that spiritual temple, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” The gavel is also the tongue of the lodge and commands order.
  • The Plumb: The plumb symbolizes uprightness; a determination to excel in all worthwhile efforts and the development of mind, soul and conscience.
  • The Level: The level symbolizes equality, labor and opportunity. It represents the democratic idealism which urges us to join others and enjoy the privileges of assisting and associating with our fellowmen while traveling upon the level of time toward an undiscovered country
  • The Square: A tool of virtue, used to square our actions, symbolizing honesty and fairness in both personal and professional lives.
  • The Trowel: It serves as a symbol for Freemasons to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, cementing us into a band of brothers, void of contention.

The All-Seeing Eye
The All-Seeing Eye reminds Masons that they are constantly observed by the Great Architect of the Universe. It symbolizes divine watchfulness, spiritual awareness, and the pursuit of truth. For Masons, the Eye represents a call to live with conscience, knowing that their actions, seen or unseen, are guided by higher principles and accountability.

The Four Cardinal Virtues
The four cardinal virtues, prominently featured along the inside edge of the medal, are pillars of Freemasonry:

  • Temperance: The practice of self-restraint and moderation, teaching Masons to govern their passions and desires.
  • Fortitude: The courage to stand firm in adversity, guiding Masons to remain steadfast in their principles even when tested.
  • Prudence: The wisdom to judge correctly, encouraging thoughtful consideration and foresight in decisions and actions.
  • Justice: Fairness in all dealings, it is the practice of giving each person their due and ensuring equity in every aspect of life.

These virtues are essential to the character of a Master Mason, forming the moral foundation upon which Masonic teachings are built.

The Black & White Mosaic Checkerboard Ribbon
The ribbon features a black and white mosaic checkerboard, a significant Masonic symbol representing the duality of life—light and darkness, good and evil, joy and sorrow. It is a reminder that life is a balance of opposites, and a Mason must navigate these contrasts with wisdom and virtue. The checkerboard was chosen to signify the journey every Mason takes, recognizing the highs and lows while striving for balance and harmony in their path.

This medal is more than just a commemorative piece, it is a reflection of the principles that every Master Mason is called to remember and live by on a daily basis. As we celebrate our Lodge’s 175th anniversary, may this medal serve as a reminder of the timeless values of Freemasonry and the noble path it guides us along.

The Sun is Setting on 2024

2024 is in the books! And to be fair, Bro. Nair (soon to be PM) had a lot of ground to cover – from rebuilding a line, resurrecting the annual picnic, bringing back outside fellowship events, creating the positions of lodge musician AND lodge cook (thank you Jeremiah!) and increasing turnout while growing the membership. It must have been exhausting, but we all greatly appreciate his efforts. So now we turn our attention to 2025 and the 175th Anniversary. The incoming Master is certainly going to have his hands full, but we’re confident he has all the support he needs to tackle the task. Happy Holidays! See you in January!

November Review

Elections are officially on their way for 2025. While we have been spoiled by the return of great leadership this year, we’re sure the Senior Warden is up for the task next year – maybe more! Under the wise tutelage of the School of Instruction, he has been working tirelessly to meet all the requirements for progression (left foot first, my friend). Best of luck to him and many happy returns!

The busy month also featured recognition of the Veterans and First Responder members, the Past Masters, and the final visit of Bro. Richard H. Bradbury, Sr., PM as District Deputy Grand Master. Bro. Bradbury will complete 10 years as DDGM by the end of December, gifting us with not one (but two) Past District Deputy Grand Masters to complement the master and officers on a fine meeting. Afterwards, the members were also treated to a course of dessert fine-tuned to the perfect level of sweetness. So mote it be!

September Notes

Some key announcements from the September Stated:

  • The Lodge is assisting in the Travis Manion 9/11 Heroes Run 2024 at the lodge starting at 2:00 PM on September 29th 2024. Contact the WM for more information.
  • Elections will be held in November this year in anticipation of an open meeting in December for installations.
  • An abridged history of Doylestown Lodge was read, applauded, and submitted to the Grand Lodge for its record.
  • The annual picnic (after a brief hiatus last year to much disappointment) is back and was a big success.
  • D.D.G.M. Bro. Richard H. Bradbury, Sr., P.M. will hand over the reigns of the district to Bro. John Sellani, P.M. of Newtown. Information is coming regarding a send off and the installation.

Iron Pigs and Summer Picnic

Just a reminder to save the date for the summer events, especially the return of the annual picnic resurrected under the wise providence of PM Goldberg.

Memorial Day 2024

The Doylestown Memorial Day Parade is conducted annually for the sole purpose of honoring those American Veterans whose sacrifices in defense of our nation and its democratic ideals are responsible for the freedoms we enjoy today. Having celebrated its 156th anniversary in 2024, it is the oldest Memorial Day Parade in the United States. Last year, approximately 1,700 people participated in the parade, representing over 100 separate units, including eight local school bands, with an estimated 15,000 spectators looking on.

As always, Doylestown Lodge No. 245 (celebrating its 175th anniversary next year) marched to represent the fraternity while also hosting its annual pancake breakfast. This year’s crew was ready to march then celebrate with some delicious pancakes and sausage afterwards. Orange juice was also available. It was hot as always, but the team pulled it off with grace. WM Nair barely broke a sweat.

Meanwhile, back at the lodge – things were in full swing for another busy morning. Bro Borowski PM did a great job organizing the event, as well as coordinating the several volunteers that helped prep, cook, serve and clean to make the day a success. Thank you to everyone for their support.

Finally, Bro Sink PM made his bi-annual visit to conclude the parade and begin the deep clean he is famous for. All in all it was another successful event. But will next year also live up to the hype of our signature event… all signs point to yes!

Nifty Fifty’s

We’re 50% of the way through our 2024 stated meetings and the hits just keep on coming as just over 50 members and visitors packed into the lodge room for a busy night.

District Deputy Grand Master Richard H. Bradbury, Sr., accompanied by Past District Deputy Grand Master Carl L. Swope and Worshipful Masters of District 8, made an official visit to present some well-deserved awards. First up, Bro. Gary L. Bergstresser was presented with his 50 year Member Pin, having joined the lodge all the way back in 1974.

Bro. Bergstresser was also accompanied by his three sons for the event. The Bergstressers are one of the largest Lewis Jewel family lines at Doylestown Lodge No. 245 and the accolades for Gary were well-deserved due to his active contribution to the lodge as well as the many several appendant bodies in which is acts as an appointed officer.

Next up, Bro. Donald W. Woodling of Newtown Lodge No. 427 received The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award. The award is an honor due to members of the Fraternity who act as role models and provide dedicated service to the Boy Scouts of America. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award not only supports the Masonic relationship through the man who brought Scouting to America, but proclaims the integrity of the recipient who is honored by receiving the award.

The Washington Crossing Council (the BSA chapter located in the heart of Doylestown) provides Scouting programs for young people and their families in Bucks County in Pennsylvania as well as Hunterdon and Mercer Counties in New Jersey. Within this area, approximately 5000 boys and girls participate in Scouting programs on an annual basis. Doylestown Lodge has many links to Scouting, with Bro. Bergstresser having been a previous recipient of the esteemed award back in 2013. Bro. Woodling was also supported by Bro. William F. Cope of Doylestown (another Daniel Beard Award winner) & District Chairman for Tohickon District of Washington Council 777 as well as Bruce Steven, P.M. of Newtown to receive the honors.

The antique clock in the Fellowship Hall was then returned from a restoration, with its long-time guardian Bro. Grant L. Sergeant, P.M. in attendance to approve the good work of the Building Committee.

Next up, Committees of Inquiry were then appointed to meet with even more new prospective members in the Doylestown area. Bro. Taylor was particularly hungry to tackle the challenge, but he’ll have stiff competition from an all-star team of Past Masters headed by Bro. Sherman, P.M.

Then finally, to wrap up the night, a prosperous looking Bro. Peterson, P.M. gave a lengthy presentation on the history of music to help thin out the numbers and get everyone home safely. The touching throwback to the coziness and musical portion of last year’s banquet was thoroughly enjoyed by those still left in attendance.

Overall, it was yet another fine performance from Bro. Nair W.M. who continues to spoil blue lodge with a constantly escalating level of attendance that proves to be impossible to duplicate everywhere else.


April Showers

The appendants brought the rainbow to the April Stated Meeting, bringing a deep dive into the other degrees performed within the York Rite and Scottish Rite. There a number of upcoming events throughout the summer now posted to the Event Calendar as well.


March Stated 2024

Our program for the evening is Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad presented by RW Bro Moises Gomez. Bro Gomez will interpret the evolution of the Abolitionist movement in America and its relationship with Freemasonry. He will also speak about the role Prince Hall Freemasons played in their struggle to achieve justice, freedom, and equality for all. Brother R.W. Moises Gomez is a member of Atlas Pythagoras Lodge No. 10, Westfield, N.J and he has served as Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey for several years.


February Stated

Congrats to the master and officers on another great evening.